
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Activator technique — a commonly used chiropractic adjustment using a handheld device to provide a quick, low-force and precise impulse to restore motion to the vertebrae or joints. It is an alternative or addition to manual or “hands-on” techniques, which do not use an instrument.

Acupressure — a pain relief technique derived from traditional Chinese medicine, similar to acupuncture but without needles. Pressure is applied to points in the body intended to activate a self-healing mechanism or energy (Qi). Typically, pressure is increased for 30 seconds, held for up to two minutes and then slowly decreased for 30 seconds.

Acupuncture — a key component of traditional Chinese medicine most commonly used to treat pain. Thin needles are inserted through the skin at specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of energy (Qi). Practitioners believe that the energy flow will re-balance your body and stimulate self-healing.

Acute back pain — pain that comes on suddenly and lasts for less than four weeks, often in the lower back. It may be caused by spasms, strains or tears.

Adjustment (chiropractic adjustment) — the use of hands or small instruments to apply a controlled force to a spinal joint in order to correct a misalignment. The goal is to improve spinal mobility and function, which reduces pain and encourages the body to heal.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) — one of the key ligaments that stabilize the knee, connecting the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). The ACL may be injured or torn during activities that require quick pivots and stops, such as basketball, soccer and tennis.

Atlas — the uppermost vertebra in the cervical (neck) spine, designated as C1. It supports the head and was named for the god Atlas in Greek mythology, who supported the world.

Axis — the second cervical vertebra (C2), linking the atlas to the rest of the spine. The axis forms a pivot point on which the atlas can rotate so the head can move.


Bone spur (osteophyte) — a bony projection that develops along the edges of bones, often in the spine as the result of wear and tear or arthritis. It may or may not cause symptoms like pain and numbness, depending on whether the spur presses on nearby structures such as nerves and muscles.

Bursitis — inflammation of the bursa, fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints and other structures in the body. Bursitis can cause pain and swelling.


Carpal tunnel syndrome — pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and arm caused by pressure on the median nerve of the wrist running through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway at the base of the hand.

Cavitation — the formation of bubbles due to pressure changes. During a chiropractic adjustment, the short thrust to a joint may cause a popping sound, which is the release of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas “bubbles” from the joint space (just as when you crack your knuckles).

Cervical spine — the neck vertebrae, which consists of the seven uppermost vertebrae of the spine. The cervical spine supports the weight of your head and connects to the thoracic, or middle, spine. Each cervical vertebra is designated by the letter C, with C1 being the uppermost vertebra and C7 the lowest, connecting to the upper back at shoulder level.

Cervicogenic headache — headache caused by a disorder of the cervical spine (neck), including the intervertebral cervical discs and soft tissues.

Chronic back pain — back pain that lasts three months or more, even after the injury or underlying cause has been treated. It may come and go, and the source of the pain may be hard to determine. Most chronic back pain is mechanical rather than caused by disease.

Cold laser therapy — a treatment for pain, inflammation and stiffness using a handheld laser device. It is called “cold laser” because the low levels of light stimulate healing without heating the tissues.


Deafferentation — pain from the disruption of nerve impulses involving sensory input. In addition to sensory loss, many patients also experience increased or decreased sensitivity to touch and pain.

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) — a condition in which vertebral discs are damaged primarily by wear and tear combined with aging. DDD may be asymptomatic or result in chronic pain in the lumbar spine (lower back) or cervical spine (neck).

Diversified technique — a manual high-velocity, low amplitude (short and quick) thrust to restore range of motion to restricted joints. It is the technique most commonly associated with chiropractic treatment.


Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS or E-stim) — a therapy using an electronic medical device to deliver low-voltage electrical current to the muscle, stimulating the fibers to contract and blocking pain transmission to the brain. It can build strength, speed recovery and reduce pain and inflammation. 

Ergonomics — the science of designing the physical environment for optimal use. Utilizes anatomy, mechanics and physiology to reduce stress on the body and create safe, comfortable and efficient devices and workspaces.


Facet joints — small joints between and behind the vertebrae that are encased in fluid-filled capsules (except at the top of the cervical spine). Facet joints allow for movement in the spinal column.

Fascia — a continuous sheet of connective tissue beneath the skin that provides a framework to support and protect every structure in the body. It is mostly made of collagen and has been compared to a spider web.

Fibromyalgia — a chronic disorder that causes musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sensitivity and sleep problems. Usually affecting women, it may be due to an “amplified” pain sensation in the central nervous system.

Fixation — a condition in which a vertebral joint (spinal joint) loses mobility due to adhesions (scar tissue) or other causes.

Flatback syndrome — lack of the normal inward shape of the lumbar spine (lower back). Flatback syndrome can cause chronic pain and make it difficult to stand straight and perform daily tasks. People may compensate by contracting the back muscles and bending at the hips and knees, which can affect posture.

Flexion-distraction — a non-surgical chiropractic technique using a movable table and slow manual adjustments to gently separate and decompress the vertebrae. Relieves pain from herniated discs and other common spinal conditions and increases spinal mobility.

Forward Head Posture (FHP) — a common condition in which the skull leans too far forward over the neck. FHP increases pressure on the neck and shoulders, causing rounded shoulders and can lead to disc herniation and chronic pain. FHP is often the result of poor posture and continually looking down at electronic devices. Also known as “tech” or “text” neck.


Golfer’s elbow — an overuse injury that causes pain and inflammation on the inside of the elbow, where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to the elbow’s bony bump. Pain may spread to the forearm and wrist.


Herniated disc — also called a “slipped” disc, the rubbery nucleus of the spinal disc, called the annulus, protrudes through a tear in the outer layer of the disc. This can cause pain, inflammation, weakness or numbness.

Hyperkyphosis — an excessive forward curvature of the thoracic spine (upper back). It is most common in older women, but it can occur in both sexes at any age.

Hyperlordosis — an abnormal curve in the lower, or lumbar, spine, also known as swayback. Some curvature is normal, but an excessive curve can cause back pain.


Inflammation — part of the immune system response to infections, injuries and toxins. Chronic inflammation develops when the immune response occurs even when there is no threat or when the threat has subsided, causing redness, swelling and pain.

Intervertebral discs — rounded, rubbery structures that lie between each vertebra, cushioning the spinal column and allowing it to move. Discs act as shock absorbers for the spine when the body moves.


Ligament — band of tough, flexible fibrous tissue that connects bones, cartilage or joints. It gives joints support and limits their movement.

Lumbar spine — the lower spine, made up of five vertebrae that extend from the bottom of the thoracic (mid) spine to the sacrum, which connects the spine to the pelvis. The lumbar spine carries much of the body’s weight, making it vulnerable to injury and lower back pain.


Manipulation — the specialized, precise, high velocity application of pressure by a chiropractor to the spine or other parts of the body to restore alignment and normal motion. Can address various musculoskeletal or neurological interference.

Misalignment — a term often associated with subluxation, in which the vertebrae are not properly positioned, causing pain and loss of mobility as well as the potential to affect other parts of the body.

Meniscus — “C”-shaped pad of cartilage in the knee that acts as a shock absorber. Each knee has two menisci. Meniscus tears are common sports injuries that cause pain and difficulty moving.

Mobilization — low or high velocity, gentle chiropractic adjustment to restore or enhance joint function. It is more limited in its motion than manipulation.

Motion palpation — a diagnostic method used by chiropractors to manually check for restricted motion (misalignments) or fixations that may be causing pain or limited mobility.

Myofascial release — gentle manual pressure to the body's connective tissue to help reduce muscle pain and restore motion. Myofascial tissues are tough membranes that wrap, connect and support your muscles. Myofascial pain, which is targeted by this treatment, may stem from “trigger points” and radiate to other areas.


Nerve root — a bundle of nerve fibers directly emerging from the spinal cord. The nerve roots enter and exit the spinal column through small holes called foramens (or foramina) on each side of the vertebrae. Nerve roots house the nerve fibers that relay signals back and forth between the brain and the body.

Neuritis — inflammation of a peripheral nerve or nerves. Symptoms depend on which nerves are inflamed but may include pain, pins and needles (paresthesia), numbness (hypoesthesia), weakness (paresis), paralysis, wasting and/or loss of reflexes.

Neuropathy — a disorder of the nerves caused by damage or disease. Symptoms are pain, numbness, tingling, swelling and muscle weakness. It typically begins in the extremities (arms and legs) and progresses over time.


Osteoarthritis — the most common form of arthritis, in which the cartilage that cushions the joints wears down over time. It most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips and spine.

Osteophytes (bone spurs) — smooth, bony deposits that develop on the edges of the bone. These slow-growing structures are not painful unless they press on a nerve or muscle. They are very common in people over 50 or those with osteoarthritis.


Paresthesia — a burning or prickling sensation, often in the hands, arms, legs or feet. It may come and go or be long-lasting (chronic) and may be caused by a number of underlying neurological or musculoskeletal conditions.

Pelvic blocking — a chiropractic technique in which cushioned wedges are placed under the pelvis. The body becomes a sort of hinge, using its own weight to release pressure on spinal nerves. An alternative to rapid, precise thrust techniques.

Peripheral neuropathy — nerve pain or dysfunction in areas other than the spinal cord. Symptoms may include numbness, weakness, stabbing or burning pain (most often at night), lack of coordination and loss of reflexes.

Pinched nerve — excessive pressure on a nerve from surrounding tissues. The pressure can disrupt the nerve's function and cause symptoms including pain, tingling, numbness or weakness.

Piriformis syndrome — a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock, spasms and presses on the sciatic nerve. It can cause pain, numbness or tingling down the back of the leg and may extend into the foot.

Pitcher's elbow — an overuse injury along the inside part of the elbow, often caused by overhand throwing activity. Symptoms include pain, swelling and limited range of motion.


Radiculopathy — pain, weakness, numbness and tingling due to a pinched nerve root in the spinal column. It often occurs when the space near the nerve root becomes too small because of a herniated disc, bone spurs or stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column).

Range of motion — the extent to which a joint can move. When injured or arthritic, a joint may display limited range of motion, usually involving flexion (bending) and extension.

Repetitive stress injury — a physical disorder caused by overuse or improper use, often found in but not limited to the fingers, hands and wrists. This injury can involve muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves or joints.

Rotator cuff injury — injury to the group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. Can cause a dull shoulder ache that often worsens when lying on the involved side. Occurs in people whose work or activity requires repetitive overhead motions.


Sacroiliac joint (SI joint) — a joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis, connected by strong ligaments. The sacrum creates a base for the spine and is supported on each side by an ilium.

Sacrum — the triangular bone formed by two fused vertebrae at the base of the spine between the hip bones. Provides support for the weight of the upper body.

Sciatica — pain from a compressed sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. It is usually due to a herniated disk, bone spur, stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column) or spasming of the piriformis muscle.

Scoliosis — an abnormal sideways curve of the spine, often diagnosed in late childhood or teens. In adults, degenerative scoliosis usually affects people 65 and older. Scoliosis is often accompanied by spinal stenosis, which may pinch the spinal nerves, causing pain and loss of function.

Side posture — a chiropractic technique in which patients are positioned on their side, and a precise manipulative thrust is performed to realign the vertebrae and restore motion.

Soft tissue — tissues that connect, support or surround structures and organs of the body. Includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia (connective tissue beneath the skin), nerves, fat, blood vessels and synovial membranes (connective tissue between the synovial joint capsule and cavity).

Spinal column — a modular, linked series of 33 vertebrae (backbone) that provides support for the entire body, allowing standing, bending and twisting without harming the spinal cord. It is made up of four sections:

  • cervical (neck)
  • thoracic (chest)
  • lumbar (lower back)
  • sacral (pelvic)

Spinal decompression — a technique designed to reduce pressure on the spine using distraction. It is a non-surgical method that can alleviate pain from pressure on discs and spinal nerves and widen the spinal canal.

Spinal disc — the structure between each vertebra, also called an intervertebral disc. Spinal discs are rounded and rubbery, with a thick outer layer (called the annulus) and a soft gel-like center (called the nucleus). Spinal discs are “shock absorbers” for the spine, cushioning the vertebrae.

Spondylosis — a degenerative process that develops gradually, affecting the vertebral disc and facet joints. It can narrow the spinal canal and compress the spinal cord and nerve roots, causing pain and stiffness.

Stenosis — narrowing, as of the spinal canal, usually in the neck or lower back. Often due to a damaged spinal disc or overgrowth of bone (bone spurs). It may put pressure on nerves within the spine and cause pain.


Tech neck — also known as forward head posture or text neck. Overuse syndrome resulting from excessive strain on the spine from looking forward and downward at electronic devices, which shifts the center of gravity in the body. Can cause headaches, neck pain, shoulder and arm pain, and compromise breathing.

Tendonitis (also Tendinitis) — inflammation of a tendon, the thick, flexible fibrous cords that attach our muscles to our bones. Causes pain and tenderness near the joint. Common in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee and heel (Achilles tendon).

Tennis elbow — inflammation of the tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm on the outside of the elbow, often caused by overuse. Leads to pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow.

Therapeutic ultrasound — the use of sound waves to reach inflamed soft tissues within the body. Provides deep heating to relax tight muscles and tendons. Ultrasound energy causes microscopic gas bubbles around your tissues to expand and contract rapidly (cavitation) and relieve pressure.

Thoracic outlet syndrome — a group of disorders that can result from blood vessels or nerves being compressed in the space between the collarbone and first rib (thoracic outlet). This can cause shoulder and neck pain as well as numb fingers. Common causes of thoracic outlet syndrome include car accident injuries and overuse injuries from job or sports-related activities.

Thoracic spine — the middle section of the spinal column, made up of 12 bones stacked upon each other, labeled T1 to T12, descending from top to bottom. The thoracic spine anchors the rib cage and is less mobile than either the cervical or lumbar spine. Together, the ribs and thoracic spine surround and protect the body’s vital organs.

TMJ disorder (TMD or TMJD) — dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint, which makes up the muscles used to chew and the joints that connect the jaw to the skull. It may cause headache, difficulty chewing, pain around the ear, and tightness in the neck and shoulders.

Traction — in chiropractic, the use of manual or mechanical forces to treat skeletal, muscular or neurological disorders. Traction stretches the muscles and ligaments and increases space between vertebrae. Often used to relieve pain caused by herniated discs or degenerative disc disease.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) — a medical therapy using a device to deliver low-voltage current to the body for pain relief.

Trigger point — a sensitive area in the muscle or connective tissue (fascia) that feels like a knot. It is painful when pressed, and the pain may be felt elsewhere in the body (called “referred pain”).


Vertebral subluxation — mechanical misalignment of the vertebrae, resulting in irritation to spinal joints and nerves.

Vertigo — a sudden sensation of spinning, different from dizziness and often triggered when looking down from heights. It is often caused by a problem with the inner ear or with how the central nervous system processes spatial information.


Whiplash — neck injury caused by rapid back-and-forth movement due to great force, similar to the motion of a whip cracking. Whiplash most often occurs during an auto accident, but it can also result from a sports accident, physical abuse or other trauma.




Please note that patients' conditions vary and therefore, results vary.

  • I had a herniated disc in my lower back. The pain was a 10. After 3 visits I could sleep, walk, and move with half the pain gone. After 1 month I was free of the pain and doing light work again.

    - Tom J., Soquel, Contractor
  • I visit Dr. Falkenroth regularly for pains, aches and for good health. I travel frequently, and he puts me back together after long plane rides. He’s a good guy, and I trust him to adjust my back, neck, shoulders and anything else that’s out of whack. I’ve stopped in with no notice and he’s accommodated me, always friendly and easy to work with.

    - Marty F., Scotts Valley Show More
  • I first went to Dr. Falkenroth several years ago for a Sciatica issue I was having (extremely painful). After seeing one chiropractor with little to no results, I found Dr. Falkenroth in the phone book. I made my appointment with him, and immediately felt comfortable when I met him and his wife Estrella. After one visit I was feeling relief already, and with the 2nd appointment I was pain free…

    - Phil J., Aptos, Electrical Distribution Show More
  • A year ago, I was riddled with back pain. I thought for sure my back would return once I retired and was able to give it a good rest… wrong. I found myself in tears every night praying for my life back. After costly doctor appointments, painkillers and a chiropractor that was not a match for me, I was referred to Dr. Falkenroth. Inside of a year, I am happy to report that I’m on an as needed”basis… I am pretty much pain free. I can now walk again, ride my bike, swim and take road trips!

    - Dianne F., Aptos, Retired Show More
  • I was introduced to Dr. Falkenroth thru a co-worker. I have a history of back issues and was looking for a good chiropractor in the area. I can state absolutely that Dr. Falkenroth has helped me with not only back health, but better overall health and wellbeing. He has an excellent gentle manner and is a good listener. I have recommended him to many friends and associates.

    - Mike W., Brookdale, Business Manager Show More
  • Ah, let me count the ways Dr. Falkenroth has improved the quality of my life!… I am pain free (upper neck, shoulders, lower back)… Dr. Falkenroth has been consistent, patient, and encouraging. He allows you to find your path to a pain free life! I am extremely grateful. I love the monthly newsletter and the office staff. Totally professional.

    - Faye M., Boulder Creek Show More
  • When I first met Dr. Falkenroth I was in constant pain, very intense pain. I took so many painkillers it scared me and my doctors. I had been to so many doctors looking for any kind of help. My life had been affected so much in so many ways and it had been affecting my family’s life in ways I have never even thought of. I was desperate for help. I hated being alive and suicide was not an option. Dr. Falkenroth was and is my salvation to at last living again in a somewhat normal life. He too

    - Deborah R., Scotts Valley Show More
  • … I was referred to Dr. Falkenroth by 2 of my Registered Nurse clients. I was suffering from low back pain with intermittent numbness from low back down through my knee. Having also been a Registered Nurse for 28 years I knew it was probably from L4. He gave a free thorough consultation and we both agreed to the problem stemming from L4. Since that time he has solved my shoulder, back and hip issues. I have so much confidence in his abilities. I have referred many of my own clients to him much

    - Georgia C., Aptos, Massage Therapist Show More
  • … Dr. Falkenroth was my lifesaver. I recommend him to everyone I know. I work long hours as a caregiver and love to do yard work in my spare time. After I do yard work, my body is in pain. But not even pain can stop me from doing yard work, because I know Dr. Falkenroth will be there to fix me back up. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. This is something you will have to come down here and try for yourself.

    - Ginger R., Watsonville, Caregiver Show More
  • Fifteen years ago, my lower back was a huge problem. I would lock up or have spasms on a “daily basis. Being a fitness trainer, this was not good. I turned to Dr. Falkenroth for help. After a few weeks of treatments I began to feel better… for the past 15 years my back has not caused any problems and I have never been more active.

    - Michael B., Santa Cruz, Personal Trainer Show More
  • I’ve gone to chiropractors my whole life. It got to a point that my condition was getting so bad that chiropractor manipulations only made my condition worse. I went online to find information on sciatic relief and found Dr. Falkenroth. I thought: I’ll try one more chiropractor. He was amazing! He was gentle and made me feel better instead of worse. He always spends a lot of time with me and I don’t feel rushed. He always gives me exercises when I ask. He knows every exercise for every par

    - Rami H., Santa Cruz, Retired Show More
  • … I always appreciate being able to get an appointment the same day I have pain and then feeling so much better when I leave the office. I am afraid of manual adjustments so him using the Pro-Adjuster is a scare-free way of getting adjusted.

    - Cecilia K., Aptos, Program Manager
  • … I have gone to other chiropractors before and have never been helped at all. Now I feel a relief of joint pain with Dr. Falkenroth and maintain this recovery with monthly appointments. I have been relieved with this method of care. It is much better than the traditional chiro adjustments that I was previously used to.

    - Nanette V., Boulder Creed, Retired Show More
  • … Dr. Falkenroth is always friendly, knowledgeable and professional. I look forward to my appointments, not only for the chiropractic care, but because he and his staff are always so welcoming, great conversationalists and care about the whole picture.

    - Joanne B., Capitola, Administrator
  • … I’ve always been impressed with the level of care and understanding Dr. Falkenroth brings to each visit. The computerized adjustments keep me relaxed, and are very effective. Dr. Falkenroth keeps me upright and mobile…

    - Michael M., Santa Cruz, Musician
  • I was getting to the point that I was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. As a UPS Driver that is not a good thing for me. So my wife made me an appointment with Dr. Falkenroth. It took several visits before I started feeling better. That was three years ago. No I come in once a month for maintenance only and I am able to work without low back pain.

    - Scott S., Watsonville, UPS Driver Show More
  • I came with severe pain, received painless treatment and immediate results. I have come back several times after being away for weeks or months and again received immediate relief.

    - Katera R., Aptos
  • The first time I came to see Dr. Falkenroth, my back was out, I was in pain, and I could not stand up straight. Twelve hours after my first treatment my situation was dramatically improved. The treatments were not uncomfortable and I have always found Dr. Falkenroth to be kind and helpful.

    - Laura L., Aromas
  • Having researched “wellness” thoroughly, I can speak very clearly of the benefit my family and I receive via this clinic. As a family, we rarely visit the MD (except for the occasional stitches or poison oak treatment), and have enjoyed the freedom of movement even as we get older. I recommend this clinic all of the time with satisfactory results from all.

    - Greg K., Aptos Show More
  • After seeing a massage therapist several times for a sore neck, she explained that she couldn’t get to the core issue. She said that Dr. Falkenroth has some advanced techniques that could help me out. I was very skeptical at first, but after 3-4 weeks, the pain has subsided and the visits are less and less frequent.

    - Ken P., Capitola Show More
  • My experience in using the decompression therapy for the past 6 weeks has been good. At first it was hard to get used to, but I had no choice. Doing the therapy was great. I would recommend in the future to anybody I know that has back problems to come to Dr. Falkenroth for treatment. They won’t be disappointed.

    - Alfonso P., Watsonville Show More
  • I was skeptical about the Pro-Adjuster because I had never heard of it before. However, I have enjoyed the painless treatments and like the fact that I can visually track progress after each session. Dr. Falkenroth has been fantastic. He is friendly and very professional.

    - Leona C., Santa Cruz
  • I was having back pain for several weeks. After a few days of sweating from pain I called Dr. Falkenroth and he was able to see me within a few hours. I was able to sleep after that night. Over the next few visits my back and neck pain were all but gone. I was skeptical of his approach with the new technology but am now sold on his procedures.

    - Jerry H., Santa Cruz Show More
  • I have had a lot of pain in my lower back and neck. Dr. Falkenroth has worked wonders for me over the last couple of months. I recommend people that have back problems to him all the time. I went to see about five other doctors before finding Dr. Falkenroth, all with some results, but not with the results that Dr. Falkenroth has given me. I am very happy that I found him when I did. He’s very very good at what he does. He’s also a person who really cares about his patients. I am able to do s

    - Mark W., Aptos Show More
  • I was referred by a co-worker. I have been suffering from low back pain due to an injury sustained at home, making it difficult for me to move without pain. Coming here to Dr. Falkenroth was a breath of fresh air! My first visit was great. I left here with less pain in my back, but still not sure about how his adjustments were going to help. About 4-6 weeks into the adjustments/treatments I noticed a very significant difference in my pain level. 5-9/10 down to 0-1/10 pain level. It is so nice to

    - Martel D., Aptos Show More
  • I met Dr. Falkenroth 4 years ago in Aptos. Dr. Falkenroth has been treating me and greatly helping me in my strenuous training. I have referred over the years my students and all of them have had a great experience.

    - Brice C., Aptos
  • At first I was skeptical about the effectiveness of the adjusting machine he uses, but I am now a huge fan. It instantly shows areas of my spine that are slightly out of whack that I might otherwise have simply written off as stress or tension. When something is out of whack, Dr. Falkenroth can pinpoint the area and treat it accordingly. I no longer suffer from chronic headaches and my back has never been stronger.

    - Brooklyn T., Santa Cruz Show More
  • Service is courteous, friendly, prompt – in a nice clean environment. Back pain was severe at beginning and has subsided substantially.

    - Byron G., Santa Cruz
  • My experience has always been positive. I was referred by a number of colleagues at Cabrillo College. My very first time seeing Dr. Falkenroth was very positive. He started seeing me because I got in a position of a work comp situation. Severe neck & back pain & tingling on the tips of hands & numbing. My condition has really improved… Staff has always been exceptional.

    - Rose C., Santa Cruz Show More
  • Dr. Falkenroth has helped me with my back & foot pain that has helped me to be more productive at my job. The experience has been excellent…

    - Curt N., Santa Cruz
  • When I started coming to Dr. Falkenroth my back pain was causing me to lose sleep; I was in pain most of the time. I followed the plan set out by Dr. Falkenroth, and I have noticed a huge difference. I’m not consistently in a bad mood anymore from back pain.

    - Kristy T., Santa Cruz
  • My injuries have subsided quite a bit. I don’t pull muscle as much and feel stronger. Overall I have had great results here.

    - Andrew V., Aptos
  • I’ve had problems for years and never dealt with them. After two visits, I could feel myself gradually begin to get healthier. It was good.

    - Jordan F., Santa Cruz
  • Dr. Falkenroth is very knowledgeable & his treatment is effective. Treatment is painless and has helped me very much.

    - Julia D., Aptos
  • First of all I would definitely recommend the clinic to my friends. As for being skeptical, Yes, I was, but then I’ve been going thru this pain for many years. I admire Dr. John’s honesty in explaining every move he makes. I know it has taken many years of abuse to get my body in this condition, but I’m like everyone else – looking for the sure cure like overnight.

    - Nancy S., Santa Cruz Show More
  • Dr. Falkenroth is wonderful! He is very knowledgeable, very accurate, he takes the time to understand the situation. I am very confident in his abilities. He is very kind and caring. His treatments are very gentle and don’t hurt. I have frequent severe migraines. I have just started treatment with Dr. Falkenroth and feel some real relief in my neck after the treatments.

    - Judith J., Marina Show More
  • I woke up one morning with a terrible pain that started in the back of my neck and ran all the way down my right arm. Not one to immediately see the doctor, I lived with this intense pain for several months. A friend told me about John, her D.C. and how he had helped her with pain so I made an appointment. He evaluated and treated me on the first visit and the pain soon went away after a few more visits.

    - Norma P., Soquel Show More
  • Treatments are really good and I love that they’re personalized.

    - Jennifer G., Freedom
  • When I began receiving adjustments from Dr. Falkenroth’s office using the Pro-adjuster, I not only began to feel much better, but there was no discomfort at all.

    - Vickie B., Scotts Valley
  • Dr. Falkenroth has treated my chronic pain as well as a more recent disc injury. The treatment is excellent, gentle and painless. This treatment allows me to function with less pain and has alleviated much of my back pain. I highly recommend this clinic above any other treatment.

    - Laura K., Scotts Valley
  • I came to the office with severe neck and shoulder pain. The treatments were painless and immediately effective. The massage chairs are so relaxing before each adjustment and the water massager after adjustments is wonderful. The office staff is friendly & organized. I look forward to each of my treatments.

    - Vicki S., Capitola Show More
  • I woke up with intense and aggravating low back pain that kept me from focusing on anything. I called in the morning and they had an opening that afternoon, thankfully. After the Pro-Adjuster, which helped relax my muscles and remind my spine how to be in correct alignment, I appreciated the additional expertise of Dr. John.

    - Dr. Krista A., D.C., Santa Cruz Show More
  • While massage is good for the person I’m working on, it can sometimes take its toll on my body. Dr. Falkenroth keeps my lower back, shoulders and hands working freely so I can do my best for my clients. For fun I dance, it keeps me fit. Sometimes I overdo it and the massage table helps with that.

    - Courtney B., Santa Cruz
  • Four years ago I was I a car accident where my neck and back were severely knocked out of line. After experiencing a year of pain I decided to come to Dr. Falkenroth. Since the beginning of my therapy my neck and back have become more in line and I am not experiencing any more pain. Dr. Falkenroth has been very accommodating, kind and helpful though my therapy and his great service will keep me coming back for years to come. I believe in Dr. Falkenroth and refer people to him as much as possible

    - Jeff D., Aptos Show More
  • …If I had put off any longer getting the help I needed I probably wouldn’t be enjoying my life, grandkids, or dog walks at all. I would say give it a try!! It is not invasive like surgery or shots and if it helps, you will be healthier, happier, more content and understand your body better.

    - Sharon E., Aptos
  • Since I began seeing Dr. Falkenroth for chronic (3 1/2 years) lower back pain, the pain has reduced. I am now able to do some of the activities I avoided due to the increase in discomfort the next day. He listens well and targets the right areas for maximum relief. The treatments were never painful and I always felt better after I left the office.

    - Christopher G., Aptos Show More
  • I am feeling much better since my car accident. I also noticed my neck isn’t cracking and popping like it used to. I am not taking Vicodin anymore since the pain has diminished to a manageable level.

    - Robert M., Aptos
  • Dr. Falkenroth has helped me in so many ways. My shoulder, back and hip were in bad shape due to my job as a hair stylist & salon owner. I got instant relief & have had steady results…

    - Donna P., Aptos
  • I had a bike accident. I felt pain in my back and other parts of my body especially my left foot. This treatment helped me a lot to recover, to walk normal again and to ease the pain that I am suffering. It took me like more than 2 months in my treatment and I hope even after many years will pass everything will be fine to me. Their treatment is remarkable especially the water massage.

    - Rowena R., Capitola Show More
  • It has been a very great experience to be treated by Dr. Falkenroth. His treatment is gentle, painless and beneficial to my whole body. Even though I haven’t been coming for very long, I’ve found that I feel better, my neck is stronger and has more mobility. In addition, my lower back has less recurring aches & pain. I’ve recommended Dr. Falkenroth to many of my friends already.

    - Kristin M., Santa Cruz Show More
  • Had consistent headaches from stress in neck which have disappeared. Also was ready to have knee surgery from pain caused by misaligned cartilage which has also lessened considerately.

    - Gigi P., Aptos
  • I was having terrible neck and shoulder pain limiting my being able to turn my head. I now have great flexibility with no pain.

    - Charlene H., Aptos
  • Dr. Falkenroth has made my back 100% better since I’ve been coming to him. I have no lower back problem near as much as I did. I would recommend him to anyone with back problems!!

    - Jim H., Capitola
  • Suffering from Carpal Tunnel is very painful. Through my treatments with Dr. Falkenroth I have a decrease in pain immediately & on an ongoing basis I have increased mobility in my arm and hand. I highly recommend Dr. Falkenroth. The treatments really work and the patient care is exceptional.

    - Laura R., Scotts Valley
  • Since seeing Dr. Falkenroth I have been able to cut down and even exclude allergy medications on a seasonal & year round basis. I also have less migraines eliminating dependence on preventative drugs and emergency medications. I sleep better and have lost weight now that I have more energy to put into my workouts.

    - Sarah K., Aptos Show More
  • I first came to Dr. Falkenroth for help in recovering from a broken bone in my foot. The result of the treatments was that not only did my foot heal quickly, but both my feet became more flexible than they had been in years. I was responding so well that I had my husband begin treatments for low back pain. Then my teenage daughter, who is a dancer, tore a muscle in her groin. Dr. Falkenroth helped her to get back to performing very quickly. I certainly recommend him for his painless and effectiv

    - Karen M., Watsonville Show More
  • I get adjustments by Dr. Falkenroth when my neck and back feel out of alignment or when I have muscle spasms. He can quickly and gently get things back into place. He is kind, efficient, gentle and funny. I love the massage chair and the Aquamassage – and the nature videos of beaches.

    - Carol W., Aptos
  • I hurt my lower back months ago. My neighbor recommended Dr. Falkenroth. The treatment is great. Pain is gone. I’m back to normal.

    - Joseph M., Capitola
  • Noticed a big improvement with my neck and back pain after about 3-4 treatments. I like the gentle adjustments – I would highly recommend it.

    - Diane S., Santa Cruz
  • I was rear ended in a car accident and was sent to a general practitioner and was given drugs to mask my pain. But I knew I wasn’t healing. Dr. Falkenroth’s approach was new to me. I decided to give this method a try and I have been very impressed. I feel like my body is healing properly and my pain has decreased significantly.

    - Robert A., Los Gatos Show More
  • My experience with Dr. Falkenroth and staff has been very positive from the beginning. His explanation of the treatment was easy to understand and the results have been very good…

    - Dale O., Soquel
  • I came with a pinched nerve in my neck. I got instant pain relief within three visits. I felt great with more energy no headaches and with full mobility of my neck.

    - Dennis J., Felton
  • It took about 5 weeks but definitely I could tell the difference. Treatments did not hurt. I would definitely recommend him to others.

    - Mark H., Santa Cruz

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